Kindergarten Featherdale Wildlife Park Excursion

Seventy Kindergarten students eagerly awaited the arrival of our buses to take us on our adventure to Featherdale.  We all piled onto the bus and, during the ride, we sang songs to pass the time.

Jelena and Billy patting the wallaby.
Jelena and Billy patting the wallaby.

When we arrived at the park, we got into our groups and had our morning tea while the teachers explained about all of the amazing animals we would be visiting.  We then met our friendly Education Officer, Louie, who took us to a special area to meet some of his cute animal friends. We were introduced to Captain Feathersword the tawny frogmouth, Cooper the koala, Spots the snake and Mario the lizard. Louie was nice enough to let us pat his special friends too!

After our visit to the education centre, we walked around the park visiting the different animal habitats and getting stamps on our Featherdale passports.  During our walk we observed different varieties of bats and lots of birds some of which we had never even heard of! Students loved seeing the spikey echidnas, the fluffy emus and the furry wombats. Some groups even walked through the reptile zone and were mesmerized by the snakes, lizards and baby crocodiles!

A favourite for most of the students was being able to hand feed the kangaroos, goats and lambs in farm area. It was so lovely seeing how excited our OLA Kinder students were to see so many different animals.

Grace, Maddison and James touching a snake.
Grace, Maddison and James touching a snake.

When our legs were tired and our passports were all stamped we sat down in a quiet area and ate our lunch. There was lots of talk about all of the amazing things we had seen.

Finally the buses arrived to take us back to school. The bus ride back was very quiet as all of the Kindergarten students were very tired.

We had  a great day of fun and learning!!