Mad Science Day marks the start of Catholic Schools Week

To celebrate the beginning of Catholic Schools Week, as a school celebrated this with a Science Day. Every teacher was dressed up as crazy scientists with wigs, lab coats and safety goggles and conducted a different science experiment. The students were divided into infants and primary groups, which were named after famous scientists such as Galileo, Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. The groups learnt a little about their scientist before the science fun began.

There were 15 stations set up around the school each with a different experiment running. There were experiments such as, lava lamps, gloop, sherbet, elephant’s toothpaste, tea bag rockets and much more. The students rotated around to the next experiment after 15 mins, always excited to see what was next. They were involved in hands on activities and demonstrations by the teachers, learning the science behind each one like the density of liquids, atmospheric pressure and the reactions between two chemicals.

Each child had a Science Day passport to take around with them to the stations they participated in. They were stamped according to the experiment and were taken home to share with their parents and family and show all the fun and learning they were involved in. We were lucky enough to have our parents come and join the students after lunch and experience all of the crazy science fun with us. For those parents who were unable to come along, the school provided live streaming of each experiment throughout the day and was very successful with over 100 views.

Following afternoon tea the students returned back to their regular classes and as a grade reflected on the day using The de Bono’s Thinking Hats. Through these reflections it was shown that the day was a success. The students gained so much knowledge from the experiments, had a lot of fun and became interested in the science that surrounds us.