OLA participates in a Social Justice Outreach Program

As a community we have shown extreme generosity through the giving of warm clothes and blankets. It is amazing looking at the kindness of our OLA families. Through this kindness we have lived out Sunday’s Gospel, by providing warmth to those who have nothing. Sometimes it is not just the items supplied but the willingness to work together as a community to provide for the less fortunate. By seeing a need, we are thinking of those people that encounter hardships and therefore in one way we are praying for them. This is the true gift, that God’s love has been reflected through actions and words.

Ariane, Jade, Alissa, Holly, Tatum, Paige and Sienna in their pyjamas.
Ariane, Jade, Alissa, Holly, Tatum, Paige and Sienna in their pyjamas.

From our SRC students…
OLA had Pyjama Day. We got to wear our favourite PJ’s to school. We were asked to bring in some warm things like scarves, blankets, gloves and other clothing for those who are poor and cold during the Winter Season. At first break we got to organise some fun games for the school to enjoy! We did races, relays, guessing competitions and many more. We had two competitions which were a Jelly Bean and a Skittle competition. For the competitions you had to guess how many Jelly Beans or skittles were in the jar. (Year 5 SRC-Tyra A, Beatrice E and Millie E)

From Mini Vinnies Group...
“I am very happy to say that our social justice program has been a great success and that we have had a lot of donations over the last week. Pyjama Day does not just mean we have to dress up in our pyjamas at school. In fact, on pyjama day we think about all the people in the world who live on the streets or are not wealthy but poor. Thank you for your clothes, blankets, scarves and other items you have donated.” (Phoebe S)